Saturday, February 28, 2009

Faith No More to REUNITE

I am seriously floored. I stifly woke up this morning due to having my window open all night. The heat from the radiators is unbelievable. So I pop online and I have a google alert for mike patton, yes I am obsessed. But more importantly, I want to know when the hell he is going on tour in a place other than europe and california. (seriously patton, the east coast appreciates you more)

As I digress, so the google info has articles about FAITHFUCKING NO MORE REUNITING!

I thought, surely, this is a fucking hoax and i am not going to be a gullible asshole that falls for it. But nooooooooooooo, its pretty fucking on. I am so unbelievably psyched. I just texted (that is such a lame word and even lamer to type out) my friends at like 730 am on saturday, I am an asshole but i was so fucking excited.

Anyway, so there is a possibility that they will play Coachella and while I have never seriously considered going across the country for a concert, let alone and 3 day concert I am in dire need to get there.

Nothing can ruin my good mood, fucking Faith No More. I missed my chance in 98 when they last played Im not going to miss that now.

Now if only Bungle could get on the same boat Patton would RULE THE WORLD.