I've spent a great deal of time trying to connect all the strings to series of events and have come to the conclusion that I have infinitely lost myself in a giant ball of strings all mashed together in one giant mess that is far worse than the concept of a knot. I find this happening to my yarn balls- in a swift cleanup I for a second think about properly winding the yarn back together but overlook the annoyance I always encounter when the yarn is all knotted up because I'd rather deal with it later than now.
What happens, though, is I end up cutting the yarn short and tossing the knot aside rather than endlessly pulling back and forth and over and under and through and grasping at the tiniest opening possible to save a few feet or inches of yarn.
this is the price we pay for convenience. the long wait for the train on a tired night of drunkeness, taking a cab when you don't have the money to waste just for the comfort and gained time that seems worthless the next day
going through the motions of on untying these knots in life when i watched them form, or was the cause of their formation from the beginning.
sometimes those knots sit around and get together, talking over brunch about how close they are and how impossible they are being. touting the fact that nothing can break their jumbled bond. its like watching a rerun again and again because you know you like the character, or the story, but you know how its going to end so the emotional surprises are rote but comforting. unrolling these knots is like watching those reruns elicited from my predictable laziness of not sorting things out before i set it into motion to knot itself up but the comfortableness of knowing those knots will be there for me, to unravel, to cut loose, to sacrifice is reason enough to not turn the channel.
these are not metaphors, but something as simple as weaving my woes into the idea of a knotted ball of yarn. it knots therefore it is.
these hands do not separate.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Faith No More to REUNITE
I am seriously floored. I stifly woke up this morning due to having my window open all night. The heat from the radiators is unbelievable. So I pop online and I have a google alert for mike patton, yes I am obsessed. But more importantly, I want to know when the hell he is going on tour in a place other than europe and california. (seriously patton, the east coast appreciates you more)
As I digress, so the google info has articles about FAITHFUCKING NO MORE REUNITING!
I thought, surely, this is a fucking hoax and i am not going to be a gullible asshole that falls for it. But nooooooooooooo, its pretty fucking on. I am so unbelievably psyched. I just texted (that is such a lame word and even lamer to type out) my friends at like 730 am on saturday, I am an asshole but i was so fucking excited.
Anyway, so there is a possibility that they will play Coachella and while I have never seriously considered going across the country for a concert, let alone and 3 day concert I am in dire need to get there.
Nothing can ruin my good mood, fucking Faith No More. I missed my chance in 98 when they last played Im not going to miss that now.
Now if only Bungle could get on the same boat Patton would RULE THE WORLD.
As I digress, so the google info has articles about FAITHFUCKING NO MORE REUNITING!
I thought, surely, this is a fucking hoax and i am not going to be a gullible asshole that falls for it. But nooooooooooooo, its pretty fucking on. I am so unbelievably psyched. I just texted (that is such a lame word and even lamer to type out) my friends at like 730 am on saturday, I am an asshole but i was so fucking excited.
Anyway, so there is a possibility that they will play Coachella and while I have never seriously considered going across the country for a concert, let alone and 3 day concert I am in dire need to get there.
Nothing can ruin my good mood, fucking Faith No More. I missed my chance in 98 when they last played Im not going to miss that now.
Now if only Bungle could get on the same boat Patton would RULE THE WORLD.

Thursday, May 01, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
why isn't anyone regulating the FCC
Good ole Rupert Murdoch, aka satan himself is at it again. He is trying to aquire Newsday. I just don't understand how government officials and media hoes can sit back and say well he's at it again, but turn their heads, again.
According to the NY Times article, a senator, Byron L Dorgan is trying to pass a bill that will quash the current FCC deregulation rules and reinstate the old ones which would not allow anyone to own more than one newspaper or one tv station in the top 20 markets. The current rule allows the ownership of more than one newspaper and one tv station in those markets if there are at minimum 8 independent sources of news in the city. This it utter bullshit because every fucking zine could be considered an independent newsource.
The senator goes on to say “It’s exactly the kind of consolidation I would hope the commission finds is not in the public interest because the free flow of information in this country is not accommodated by having fewer and fewer voices determine what is out there,” Mr. Dorgan said. “They try to argue that there are all these outlets — the Internet, television, radio, newspapers and so on. It may be more outlets, but it’s the same ventriloquists. You have five or six corporate interests that determine what most Americans see, hear and read.”
Why don't people see this, its so clear! In 2003, when Colin Powels son was the head of the FCC major deregulations took place and who is benefiting most from it- Murdoch, owner of Fox News Corp. and who do you suppose is threatening to veto the bill- good ole pres bush. Isn't that a coincidink. It is no suprise to me that the conservative forces in this country, whom happen to hold position to veto such bills, is joining forces with the other conservative forces in this country.
This is the problem people, why are we allowing ourselves to be forcefed this trash when it is so obviously biased! I am not suggesting that other news sources aren't unbiased, because they are also only by the very few as well. Get off your ass and demand a bigger variety of newsources. What happened to the rules against monopolies? Are the media conglomerates exempt from this?
I am staring down the barrel of an oppressed state who is willingly accepting that our self proclaimed "freedom" is free after all. That's right kiddies, drink the Kool-aid, invite Big Brother into your home, make him some mac and cheese and apple pie. Maybe, if you're good he will rub your belly and make all your little worries about individualism go away.
The saddest thing in this country is that we are given so many options to go out and expose the bullshit because of our freedom of speech yet we are so willing to place our hands behind our backs and let the brainwashing begin.
According to the NY Times article, a senator, Byron L Dorgan is trying to pass a bill that will quash the current FCC deregulation rules and reinstate the old ones which would not allow anyone to own more than one newspaper or one tv station in the top 20 markets. The current rule allows the ownership of more than one newspaper and one tv station in those markets if there are at minimum 8 independent sources of news in the city. This it utter bullshit because every fucking zine could be considered an independent newsource.
The senator goes on to say “It’s exactly the kind of consolidation I would hope the commission finds is not in the public interest because the free flow of information in this country is not accommodated by having fewer and fewer voices determine what is out there,” Mr. Dorgan said. “They try to argue that there are all these outlets — the Internet, television, radio, newspapers and so on. It may be more outlets, but it’s the same ventriloquists. You have five or six corporate interests that determine what most Americans see, hear and read.”
Why don't people see this, its so clear! In 2003, when Colin Powels son was the head of the FCC major deregulations took place and who is benefiting most from it- Murdoch, owner of Fox News Corp. and who do you suppose is threatening to veto the bill- good ole pres bush. Isn't that a coincidink. It is no suprise to me that the conservative forces in this country, whom happen to hold position to veto such bills, is joining forces with the other conservative forces in this country.
This is the problem people, why are we allowing ourselves to be forcefed this trash when it is so obviously biased! I am not suggesting that other news sources aren't unbiased, because they are also only by the very few as well. Get off your ass and demand a bigger variety of newsources. What happened to the rules against monopolies? Are the media conglomerates exempt from this?
I am staring down the barrel of an oppressed state who is willingly accepting that our self proclaimed "freedom" is free after all. That's right kiddies, drink the Kool-aid, invite Big Brother into your home, make him some mac and cheese and apple pie. Maybe, if you're good he will rub your belly and make all your little worries about individualism go away.
The saddest thing in this country is that we are given so many options to go out and expose the bullshit because of our freedom of speech yet we are so willing to place our hands behind our backs and let the brainwashing begin.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
im back with dirt in my eye
What have i learned since 2006-(the last time i posted)
-people are assholes
-to carry mace
-to make sure when im drunk at the bar that i take my umbrella with me
-not to swing my umbrella so hard that it falls on the train tracks the very instant that it is pouring rain outside
-drinking with the boys gets me into trouble
-some other crap i cant remember now
thank you for welcoming me back to my lost blog!
-people are assholes
-to carry mace
-to make sure when im drunk at the bar that i take my umbrella with me
-not to swing my umbrella so hard that it falls on the train tracks the very instant that it is pouring rain outside
-drinking with the boys gets me into trouble
-some other crap i cant remember now
thank you for welcoming me back to my lost blog!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
"Class of 2003, Be kind to geeks, nerds and dweebs. Ten years from now, they'll be the ones with all the money!" - Screech

Holy mother of cheesy kids sitcom stars wallowing in their own death!
Screech from, do I even need to tell you where Screech is from??? Saved by the bell kiddies! SCREECH apparently is a po' mofo, he can't even afford the last two letters in poor, is selling t-shirts to save his house that he will lose because those Saved by the bell DVDs don't sell themselves these days.
His website http://getdshirts.com/get_your_dshirts.html Dshirts, standing for Dustin Diamond (perhaps a combo of his first pet and street he grew up on) are shirts that you can buy to bail that post-teenage sitcom survivor from losing the itty bitty amount of dignity that he has left. Oh wait, no, I was wrong, for $5 extra you can have his signature on the shit.
Now considering $20 for a shirt and an autograph is a steal considering shirts these days are quite the pricey pieces of sheep, i still somehow feel as though if i were to purchase said t-shirt it wouldn't be a charitable tax write-off. Can someone verify this for me???

Dear IRS,
Remember that show with all those wacky kids who went to Bayside high and who never grew up except when the show was faultering and they needed to send them off to college? Yeah, that one. Well, the classic Nerd character, Screech, managed to get his ass in a bit of a pinch, messed up his credit, and is about to lose his house, so he is trying to sell me a t-shirt to earn some cash. Does bailing out has been child stars qualify as a charitable write-off? No? What if the shirt had an autograph on it? Why are you laughing?
I heart the College years
Well, on a lighter side, Dustin Diamond can take up a career in porn if his t-shirt factory fails him miserably. As interviewed on Howard Stern, Screech most likely wasn't getting any action from Kelly, Lisa, or Jessie because of his enormous *ahem* as discussed here-> http://cityrag.blogs.com/main/2006/06/the_legend_of_s.html
No wonder there arent any banal teen sex scenes, shower scenes, nerd getting clothes stolen sequences in Saved by the Bell, the whole cast would have run for the hills.
It is a sad day when the least favorite character on a sitcom that died many years previously is in a poor state. Maybe him and Stephanie Tanner (formerlly recovering from her meth addiction) can start a Brady Bunchesque variety show or even swindle their way onto a PBS telethon, Stephanie is quite familiar with these to save WAke up San Francisco.
Moral: Don't eff your credit up!
Meanwhile, in case you just need to be forefed more info from the cast of Saved by the Bell
Lisa Turtle can also get on the bandwagon variety show!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Today was the beginning of a strange day. W. 4th is apparently full of weirdoes, maybe it’s the IFC on the corner, or the Adult novelty store right next to the subway entrance. Whatever it is, this is a day of weird.
Walking to work a guy was hightailing after me, basically walking 2 inch. behind me. I listen to music so I couldn't hear him, nor choose to hear people. I look angry for a reason. But apparently this is an invitation for weirdoes to approach.
So, he gets my attention, I pull out an 'earbud' and he politely asks me if I generally know how to use tweezers. I think, um, are you kidding? So, trying not to belittle his question I briefly explain to him how to use tweezers, I’m all for educating people. But it did not end here. He then proceeds to ramble off in a very Woody Allenesque tone about how he made a bet with his friend, how he had to tweeze his eyebrows like a woman's (pointing to mine the whole time) and that he was embarrassed to go to a salon. (This is where I think this is NY, I can't imagine a man getting his eyebrows thinned is that out of the ordinary)
Regardless, he continues spouting out his dilemma flailing hand gestures all over the place and finally gets to the point, he says "I have some tweezers on me" "Would you be willing to do it for me" "I'll pay you for your time" and this is when I smile, tell him I have to get to work and proceed to walk away. He said thanks anyway and gave me the thumbs up. What I want to know, is how someone can casually ask a random stranger to pluck their eyebrows and then to make it seem normal, offer them money. Yeah, let me think about this one, um, no. I love this city but I don’t love other people's body hair. Ew.
Moral: Men are not educated enough about metro sexuality being norm, educate them through a serious of diagrams
Moral: Men are not educated enough about metro sexuality being norm, educate them through a serious of diagrams
It is ok for men to want to expunge dirt from their faces see below:

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