Thursday, April 06, 2006

I Heart Bill Nye because he reminds me of a funnier Mister Wizard

There is nothing more entertaining that a Science guy for kids getting a standing ovation at 1:30 and then have half his audience walk out on him later that day.

According to the linked article "The Emmy-winning scientist angered a few audience members when he criticized literal interpretation of the biblical verse Genesis 1:16, which reads: “God made two great lights — the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.”

I don't know who Mr. Godsey is.

He pointed out that the sun, the “greater light,” is but one of countless stars and that the “lesser light” is the moon, which really is not a light at all, rather a reflector of light.
A number of audience members left the room at that point, visibly angered by what some perceived as irreverence.
“We believe in a God!” exclaimed one woman as she left the room with three young children."

I like how the woman who left said she believes in "a" God, not thee God. Seriously, what kind of religious nut is she if she can't even devote herself to practicing semantics. All good Christians know that God is THE God not A God. Very much like pro-abortion. We all do love to kill babies.

It is a sad day when people shun Bill Nye, my superhero.

Moral: Do not be upset with the science guy, he is just being honest

1 comment:

Big Daddy said...

Oh my. You're funny.