Monday, February 06, 2006

Could eBay have intervened?,5936,18004968%255E1702,00.html


So...hear any good cult stories recently? It was about due; especially with all those re-runs of 'The Craft' on TV. Do you think they did the cast justice in dubbing their voices in Italian? <--Not the point -->The point: Perhaps if such and such thought the lady with the face was "the" virgin mary, he would have had better luck selling her on eBay

or offering a suggested retail price to (whom apparently has nothing better to do than brand itself the casino based Jesus paraphernalia blow you life savings and get a crummy t-shirt one stop shopping Hubble.)

Next time kids, try not to make your messes so gruesome, follow in the footsteps of Jim Jones: take your cult members to another country, dump them in the woods, make a socialist community (that the government ultimately fears), and get yourself some vats of flavor-aid (not kool-aid) laced with cyanide and that is how you have a ritual sacrifice. Jeez, didn't you ever have "history will repeat itself"
hammered in your head as a child? Oh wait, you were using the hammer for something else-gotcha.

Lesson: eBay can solve anything

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