Friday, February 10, 2006

Someone get me a stick of butter and some cooking lessons

Once again, eBay, my beloved savior, has not let me down. Or more accurately, the ambitious entrepreneurs trying to sell their crap on eBay haven't.

Pancake crap

Much like my previous post about religious food now someone is claiming good ole Beezlebub is hanging out in their badly executed poor excuse for what looks like a pancake beaten with a spatula by Baby Sinclair reciting "not the mama' over and over again. (breathe)

Said pancake also received a "Note: Food bought off the internet is not recommended for eating" Gee, I was a little confused as to whether it was suitable to ingest Satan or just a crummy pancake in the first place OFF THE INTERNET, but now, thanks to informative eBay lister I can once again peruse eBay knowing what I can and cannot consume.

Where is to up the bid from $21.00 to $5MM?
Maybe even casinos that pay people for headvertising (look it up slacker) have standards- or they might just be in the dark; shivering and ripping their hair out from all the money they pissed away on useless crap that the janitor mistakenly ate (He apparently was not privy to the aforementioned foods on eBay consumption note). Where is the liberal media when we need them.

Lesson: If you have marketing skills use them for something of value, not this poor excuse for religious tripe.

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