Friday, February 24, 2006

So the rat tail wasn't the worst thing some kid could do

Let me just check over a few things....This is the OT years, we are no longer trapped in the 80s/early 90s which was just the hung over eighties throwing up, right? Ok. So why the hell are kids still shaving hideous things in their heads?

I honestly do not care for this return to the 80s. It was a sad time for fashion and trends and everything in between. Who knew that buying every color spandex possibly ever made and destroying the ozone layer with multiple cans of aerosol hairspray could relive themselves.

I understand a few years the crappy 16-25yr old generation(s) decided shit, our childhood was that good we should relive it, even though we just grew out of it. Care Bears shirts were floating all over the place, Full house made a comeback. But there were some downsides:

1. Ravers
2. Step by step returning
3. a whole new generation of kids sadly being introduced to Urkel '06 mods and emo kids aren't to blame but its the hipsters that are ruining it for the rest of us. Leggings, spandex, hi-tops, roos, and now....shapes shaved in haircuts.

I don't care the kid was suspended from school, in fact, they should isolate any kid that thinks its trendy to shave anything in their hair.

Lets reminisce:

Did Rob Van Winkle teach us nothing? And according to the artist formally known as know one gives a shit.. he only did it to support his family. Did the record execs put the razor to your head instead of the gun???

Not to mention this jackass who then again recently revived the cut.

This guy just deserves to be shot.. I thought shaving shapes in your skull was bad enough but he had the gull to go ahead and make a shape, not to mention a pansy heart, into his under the chin hair- it is a sad day when you're that bored.

There are more pictures out there of crappy haircuts but we all remember them...Let's keep them in the past not in the present or future. The 80s are slowly creeping back in mainstream anyway, do we need another repeat of 'The Fisher King' to remind us?

And cause I know you just can't pass an accident without rubber necking it I've included this precious picture for your viewing (dis)pleasure.

Just remember: You can call yourself a victim but you reveled in it for so long!

Moral: beat up any kid you see on the street with any of the above haircuts

1 comment:

Big Daddy said...

'Rat Tails' are a crackerbilly sign of the 'Rapture'.