Thursday, February 16, 2006

Who remembers Billy's funeral? I DO I DO!

New picture taking cell phone thing-a-ma-gig strikes trend in Japan to take pictures of DEAD PEOPLE! You think: a) bizarre b) creepy c) sentimental or d) did they just breathe?

More Funs things to do at funerals/graveyards/etc.

If you are not familiar with Spanish customs regarding dead relatives then you are missing out on the celebration of El Dia De Los Muertos, translated: The day of the dead, better known to uncultured Americans as November 2nd. On El Dia de los Muertos relatives of the dead venture to the gravesite of their elders and pay homage to them by singing them songs, cooking them their favorite foods, creating a shrine of their favorite things and just talking to them as seen here:

You can also make skulls out of sugar and make little skeletons that pop out of cardboard caskets- LOADS OF FUN!

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